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You may be wondering why I haven't  posted anything on this page, well that is all because of my Transversal Project. Basically, what happened was we had a problem with the server box messing up, I don't know if someone was taking it for themself and thought replacing it with a cardboard box and somehow got away with it, or if someone was buisy spitting, peeing, or doing other inappropriate variety of verbs that are not correct to a electrical outlet, and this schools cheap circulatory electrical system became an "open circuit" from someone unplugging a lamp in the other room, I have absolutely no clue. But because of that, I had managed to loose literally all my work in the process. Not just set back a few steps, not sent to another file, literally every single scratch of work I had done gone missing. I have another file, with something I would prefer to consider barely resembles, what I have been doing, but right now I feel so disgusted with myself that I have lost literally all my will power and emotion to post it on, and no matter how I am convinced, I know for a fact that posting it would just make me feel worse about myself, what I have been doing, about all my progress, and so forth. I know this isn't really the end of the world, but I just hope you understand why I feel the way I feel about myself right now, I know it's no0t bad, but it certainly is to me.

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