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Honestly, I found this project pretty neat, but I was not very interested in it. What was happening was, we were doing photoshop, and our teacher, Mr. Arena, told us to make ourselves look like a zombie. I thought this would be easier said than done, not for the reason that I can't make myself look dead, but because the picture I have of myself already looks dead to me. I mean, look at this kid. That's the picture of a guy who doesn't even care of living. And another problem with that is, I always look horrible in pictures. Either I'm in a foul mood before, I get emotionally conflicted by someone/something, I'm just tired and I look half concious, it's rediculous. He later stated we can make ourselves look like a monster instead of just a zombie, but by then it was far too late for me to go back. I already have set my goals to look like someone who is dead, but I already looked dead, so I just improvised with sime added pish posh here and there. Like I used broken glass and sand to texture my skin, and added an afro because, afro's are intimidating. I mean, have you ever walked up to a person with an afro and try to fight him, ofcourse you wouldn't. 

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