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    At first, I didn't know what to do. All the bad movies were mostly taken, and I had nothing but a notebook and good ideas. So I thought, what would be America's worst hit since Sharknado, then it came to me. I look in my notebook, mostly consisting of drawings of stuiped, yet cleverly placed ideas, and searched for my movie poster. The one that struck me the most was the idea I had, when I wrote,"Squirrel, get the shotgun!" after talking about the southern countries and the people that tend to have babies with their aunt Cletus. This idea also arrived when I saw that there were hunters that saw road kill, and their first instinct was, "Looks like dinner." They also, literally said that. This was I don't know where, but the environment told me it was the south, or the rockies, and for most idiotic things to put on animal planet, it was between the time someone put their head in a crocadile for children and the times Bear Grillz drank water out of a wad of elephant doung and a piece fell in his mouth.

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