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This here is a magazine cover for our project this time, I deciced that instead of doing any old other magazine cover along with the mass, I would try to make something creative. This idea, in fact, originated back when I played on the X-box360 and played Happy Wars" a game about using various abilities to either help your team, or kill the other. There are many game types, one I normally played was a tower defense type of deal. Anyway, it came up when a new update came out, and I managed to get a full set of train armor,( By the way, for this type of game, it would be a rarity to even get 2 pieces of the same set, so this was a large accomplishment from the 360 hours of my life I wasted) and I ran around calling myself, "Le-Train" since I thought it sounded cool. When my mother came into the room and saw I was playing this game, she asked a little about it and I told har about the game, including the part about my character,"Le-Train" and she said after,"Oh, like the toilet, letrine" I immediately felt half stuiped that I was on a multiplayer game for preteens, as a preteen yelling in a quarter volume about calling my self, "Le-Train, the train that could never be stopped" But I also felt pretty clever that my brain racked something like that up even though it didn't mean too, which is why I am like I am today, trying to say nothing cause I know I'll mess it up in the worst possible clever comidic way.

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