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Hello again, and welcome to my humble and peaceful Web page, where I post projects and write about them because I feel like it. That, and that I have to for a school grade, and I don't feel like getting a bad school grade. So to prevent that, let's get started on talking and judging my drawing. As you can see, clearly it's a bottle, that may have contained a drinkable substance at one point that could have not been toxic, and probably legal within my age of drinking standard. With that, I was using the "Mesh" Tool on Illustrator, which makes it so you can frame the inside of an object with crosses, and edit the inside of an object indirectly. So instead of filling a object with one color, I could blend multiple colers in one object, and in different oreantations (unlike the gradient tool, which changes color going in one direction) So what I was thinking for the project originally was to do a ladybug, but there are too many colers to a ladybug to put in very specific areas.(And ya, there are actually more colors to a lady bug than just Red and Black...) When I decided that was too hard, I thought the next best thing would be a bottle, seeing as it has multiple color changes, and was more simple than shaping a ladybug.

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