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    If you are wondering what is in my messed up, semi damaged skull,( or were just wondering what I would look like with my skull chopped open) well now you have a sub-adaquate resembalence of what it may possibly look like. Now I can still understand why you may still want to smash my skull in with a pipe-wrench until there is nothing but grey matter and a mess on the floor, or just a fine red mist in the air, but the reason I did this is because this is normally what I'm thinking when ever I'm walking about. The pictures themselves are not for description purpose, only for you to guess what I feel toward whatever subject that it may interpritate in said object, but for those who with to not put any thought into what it could mean, there is a random guess from myself about what they may mean on below (and yes, I'm guessing what it is because I don't even know myself)

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